Response to Intervention is a framework for improving the achievement of all students by emphasizing the importance of quality teaching, early intervention and progress monitoring through effective instruction. It is a multi-tiered model that promotes success for all learners, not just those who struggle. Consisting of three tiers, the level of supports and resources for students increase with level of need from universal to more targeted and then intensive levels of instruction and intervention.
Embedded in the organizational framework of RTI are professional learning communities. Professional learning communities provide the framework for engaging teachers in authentic assessment and the instruction cycle of continuous improvement of teaching and learning. Within the RTI model, classroom teachers and student services teams share responsibility for student learning by problem-solving to address complex issues to respond to student needs. They use evidence-based practices for literacy and numeracy and engage in co-teaching, universal design, and class reviews to meet the needs of their diverse student population.
Assessment is the life-blood of Response to Intervention. Universal screening facilitates early intervention and identifies students who require further intervention. Teachers and school teams analyze student performance data and review students' strengths and needs in order to understand where students are and where they need to be. This data drives instruction and intervention for all students.
In order to build a common vision, language and process for the implementation of Response to Intervention a Divisional Steering Committee developed a PATH (strategic plan). The recommendations/goals will be implemented during the 2011-12 school year.
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