Welcome to the St.James Assiniboia School Division!

This is a blog devoted to new teachers. Whether you are having a tough time with your students or want to share your successes in the classroom,have a question or want to share some reflections, talking with other teachers can be a great help, both professionally and personally. This blog will be the place for collaboration and sharing. We want to also encourage all of our readers to offer advice and share their own stories and experiences. Here we will blog about all things teaching and learning. WELCOME to our blog spot.

Monday, September 5, 2011

What's really important in the first few days of school?

The opening of school is quickly approaching and our new teachers are likely thinking about what to do in the first few days of school.  The classroom is such a busy and dynamic place that it can be very overwhelming to think about what to do first.  

The first few days is the time and place to “set the stage” for the rest of the school year.  Whether setting up for an early years, middle years or senior years class, we must be thinking about the very important things that need to be accomplished at the start of the school year.

As all educators know, a significant amount of planning and preparation needs to take place before that first day of school.  Teachers need to be prepared and organized in order to be ready to work with the students that arrive on their doorstep on that first day.  Teachers will know their learning outcomes, will have prepared enough lesson plans to get things rolling and of course will have already set up the physical space in their classroom.   So what’s next…

Once those children arrive at school, in your classroom, what will be your focus?  What is really important in the first few days of school once those children are sitting in front of you? 

I invite you to consider the importance of building relationships with your students in the first few days of school.  Spend some valuable time getting to know the students you will be teaching.

During our two-day orientation session we explored various methods for getting to know your students:

§  Have them create a Character Bag  (see Dianne’s previous post for instructions)
§  Have them create a Number Bag (see Dianne’s previous post for instructions)
§  Use various classroom icebreaker activities
§  Have them create a personal word cloud using Wordle
§  Complete a Genetic Intensity Needs Survey (source:  Diane Gossen)
§  Complete a Multiple Intelligences Survey to identify their preferred learning style
§  Complete reading, writing, numeracy pre assessments
§  Complete interest inventories
§  Have the class do the left-brain, right- brain activity

The collection of this type of information will allow you to get to know your students on different levels.  It will provide you with critical information required for planning meaningful learning activities that will in turn meet the individual needs of your students.  You will be able to become familiar with their various learning styles, intelligences, and interests.   Gathering such a diverse array of information early in the school year will allow you to design effective learning opportunities for all of your students, all year long.  

Building relationships may mean the difference between success and failure for students.   So remember, in the first few days of school be mindful of creating relationships by getting to know your students.  

Please comment and share your thoughts...what do you think?



  1. Are there links to the activities mentioned above (other than the bags)?

  2. Hello and thank you for your question. I have attached links to the various activities mentioned in the post. Hope this helps. Enjoy!
