I hope that you all had the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful, restful Christmas holiday. The winter break allows you the time to resume a more balanced lifestyle, with plenty of rest, food, exercise, and time for family and friends. The past break would have been your first opportunity to think about organizing materials and curriculum with a more informed sense of the work of the classroom teacher. You really know what this looks like through your first half experiences. Think about putting past struggles and challenges behind you while embracing your new found acceptance for the realities of teaching. This is a time for a fresh start, at any level. Your experiences from the first half of the year will supply you with the knowledge of how to anticipate and prioritize problems that you may encounter in the second half of the year.
I invite you to celebrate knowing that you made it through the first half of the 2011-2012 school year and look forward to all that can be accomplished and achieved in the second half.
I am looking forward to our classroom observations and conversations for the new year.